- ST segment
- T wave
- P wave
- None of these
- C
Before drug intake, verify:
- Date of Expiry
- Hospital Name
- Patient Name
- All of the given
- a
The more severe form of heat related illness with symptoms mostly as a result of fluid loss and electrolyte imbalance:
- Heat Exhaustion
- Heat Stress
- Heat Stroke
- None of these
- a
What type of burn of form blisters?
- Partial Thickness
- Superficial Thickness
- Full Thickness
- None of these
- a
CCF stands for:
- Common Cardiac Failure
- Co Cardiac Failure
- Cognitive Cardiac Failure
- Congestive Cardiac Failure
- d
A colorless liquid which protect the brain and spinal cord from physical and chemical injury is called:
- Pleural Fluid
- Acetic Fluid
- None of these
- a
CSF stands for Cerebrospinal Fluid.
If a patient is rescued before the point of death or at least temporary survival this is described as:
- Near Drowning
- New Drowning
- Poisoning
- Drowning
- a
The important causative factor in chronic bronchitis and emphysema is smoking although only……% smokers develop COPD.
- 10
- 15
- 20
- 25
- b
First and Second degree burn are …..thickness burns if uncomplicated by infections or Shock.
- Partial
- Superficial
- Full
- All of the above
- a
A condition in which drug is being prescribed is called :
- Contraindication
- Indication
- Side Effects
- None of these
- b