- 1937
- 1939
- 1940
- 1941
- b
Daily Jung is oldest Newspaper of Pakistan.
It was founded by Mir Shakil Ur Rehman.
Its biggest Newspaper of Pakistan and circulates about 800,000 copies in a day.
The shrine Samadhi of Ranjit Singh is located in:
- Lahore
- Karachi
- Harappa
- Thatta
- a
Ranjit Singh is known as first Maharaja of Sikh Empire.
He was also known as “Lion of Punjab”.
There were 9 sons of Ranjit Singh.
The longest serving Army Chief (for about 12 years) was:
- Ashfaq Pervaiz Kiyani
- Zia Ul Haq
- Pervaiz Musharraf
- Ayub Khan
- b
Zia Ul Haq was 6th President of Pakistan. His actual tenure is 11 Years, 01 Month and 12 Days.
The Hingol National Park is famous for its dramatic landscapes. It is located in:
- Punjab
- Balochistan
- Sindh
- b
Hingol National Park covers the area of 6100 Km2.
The name of this park is “Hingol” is due to Hingol River that passes in this dry region.
This area is located in Balochistan ( Gawadar, Labella and Awaran)
Pakistan Television started its transmission on:
- 26th November 1962
- 26th November 1964
- 26th November 1965
- 26th November 1963
- b
Pakistan Television started colour transmission in 1976.
Shalimar Television Network (STN) started its broadcasting with the name of Peoples Television Network (PTN) in:
- 1990
- 1992
- 1994
- 1996
- a
STN was first Semi-Government TV Channel.
This Channel changed its name for PTN to STN, Channel 3 and A TV.
Tashkent is the capital city of:
- Uzbekistan
- Turkmenistan
- Kazakhstan
- Azerbaijan
- a
Tashkent became capital of Uzbekistan in 1991.
The currency of Uzbekistan is So’m.
Pakistan has won squash men’s world open for …….times.
- 8
- 10
- 12
- 14
- d
Pakistan Day is celebrated on:
- 23rd March
- 06th September
- 23rd September
- 14th August
- a
The resolution of Pakistan was presented on 23rd March 1940.
Pakistan Army has directly rule over Pakistan for about …….years.
- 13
- 23
- 33
- 43
- c
Pakistan Spent some decades under Military.
1958-1971 (13 Years)
1977-1988 (11 Years)
1999-2008 (09 Years)