- Pure Land
- Land of the pure
- Land of the truthfulness
- Truthful Land
- a
The name of “Pakistan” literally means “Pure Land” or “Holly Land”.
The age of father greater 9 times than son and age of mother above 8 times than son the sum of father and mother these two age 51. What will be the age of son?
- 7 Years
- 5 Years
- 3 Years
- 2 Years
- c
888 / 0.8 * 8=?
- 8007
- 8880
- 8800
- 800
- b
Rashid buys three books for Rs.16 each and four books for Rs.23 each. What will be the average price of the books?
- 18
- 20
- 22
- 24
- b
Total Books = 7
Sum of All Books / Total Books
(16*3) + (23*4) / 3+4
48+92 / 7
Imran made a profit of 20 percent in the first year. Next year he had a loss of 25% on the capital he had at the beginning of second year. What was his overall loss?
- 10%
- 15%
- 20%
- 30%
- a
In a one kilometer race A beats B by 28 meters or seconds. Find out the time taken by A to finish the race?
- 4 min 20 sec
- 4 min 3 sec
- 3 min 3 sec
- 5 min
- b
Its repeated question with 243 seconds answer.
He ran……her into the courtyard.
- Over
- After
- At
- Before
- b
وہ اس کے پیچھے صحن میں بھاگا۔
They had to do something……others.
- About
- For
- Of
- To
- b
انہیں دوسروں کے لیے کچھ کرنا تھا۔
She travelled …..difficult circumstances.
- Before
- Under
- Of
- With
- b
س نے مشکل حالات میں سفر کیا۔
I would like to move……market.
- to
- Through
- into
- in
- b
میں بازار سے گزرنا چاہتا ہوں۔