- c
C+1=D H+1=I
O+2 Q O+2=Q
O+3=R T+3=W
National Fish of Pakistan is:
- Blue Marllin
- Masheer
- Flounder
- Hogfish
- b
The national Animal of Pakistan is Markhor.
National Fruit of Pakistan is Mango.
National Juice of Pakistan is Sugarcane Juice.
What does the word Pakistan means?
- Holy Land
- Deserts
- Meadows
- Natural Beauty
- a
Pakistan means “Holy Land” or “Pure Land”.
Urdu means:
- Army
- Arms
- Literature
- Poetry
- a
اردو کا مطلب لشکر ہے۔ اردو کو فارسی میں ریختہ بھی کہا جاتا ہے۔
How many members in National Assembly?
- 100
- 336
- 342
- 350
- b
National Assembly of Pakistan consists of 336 seats. There are 266 General seats, 60 seats are reserved for women and 10 seats are reserved for minorities. According to Constitution of Pakistan 1973, the duration of National Assembly of Pakistan is 5 years.
The book “Khutbat E Ahmedia” was written by:
- Dilawar Hussain
- Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
- Allama Iqbal
- Abdul Haleem Sharar
- b
Khutbat E Ahmedia was published in 1870 by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan.
Who started the Faraizi Tehreek?
- Haji Shariat Ullah
- Muhammad Ali Johar
- Sir Agha Khan
- Allama Muhammad Iqbal
- a
Faraizi Tehreek started in 1819 and ended up on 1862.
The constitution of Pakistan provides Bicameral System in …….. Constitution.
- 1956
- 1962
- 1973
- None of these
- c
The Parliament which consist of two legislative house system (Upper House & Lower House) is called Bicameral System.
Mirpur is famous city of:
- Punjab
- Sindh
- Azad Kashmir
- Balochistan
- c
Mirpur is also known as “Little England”.
Who elects the President of Pakistan according to Constitution of Pakistan 1973?
- Senate
- National Assembly
- Both A & B
- None of these
The age of President of Pakistan should not less than 45 years.