- Amazon
- Alphabet Inc
- Priceline Group
- None of these
- b
Who is the first YouTuber?
- John Adris
- Javed Karim
- Liaqat Ali
- None of these
- b
He is also founder of YouTube.
Shortcut key of Window refreshing is:
- F12
- F5
- F2
- F9
- b
You can also used right click of mouse to refresh the computer.
Ctrl + P is used in MS Word for:
- Open Save Dialogue Box
- Open Print Dialogue Box
- Open Paragraph Format
- Open Paragraph Dialogue Box
- b
Window key + M is meant for:
- Find Computers
- Minimize all Applications
- Help
- Show System Properties
- b
Window Key + Shift + M is used to restore the all Windows / Applications.
Shortcut key to open font dialogue is:
- Ctrl + Alt + D
- Ctrl + Alt + D
- Ctrl + D
- None of these
- c
Font Dialogue is also founded in Home Tab.
Which of the following is not type of Page Margin?
- Left
- Center
- Right
- Top
- b
Which country is full member of SCO?
- Iran
- Uzbekistan
- Afghanistan
- b
There were eight members of SCO which were China, India, Pakistan, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.
Recently Iran became full member of SCO on 17th September 2021.
There are Nine Full members of SCO now.
Which one is unicameral parliament system?
- Afghanistan
- Iran
- None of these
- a
The country which has single house for Legislative system is called Unicameral Parliament.
Who was the second man to set foot on Moon?
- John Glin
- Edvin Aldrin
- Alan Shepard
- Chuk Yegar
- b
Aldrin set foot on Moon on 21st July 1969 at 03:15 AM.
First man who set foot on Moon was Neil Armstrong on 20th July 1969.