- Asim Bajwa
- Fawad Chaudhary
- Chaudhary Salik Hussain
- None of these
- c
CPEC stands for China Pakistan Economic Corridor.
The Iran Pakistan gas pipeline is known as:
- Peace Pipeline
- Conflict Gas Pipeline
- Indo Pak Gas Pipeline
- None of these
- a
The pipeline is also called Iran Pakistan gas pipeline or IP Gas.
This agreement was signed between Iran and Pakistan in June 2010.
The length of this pipeline is 2775 Km.
Which surah starts without Bismillah?
- Al Kahf
- Al Toba
- Al Baqarah
- None of these
- b
Surah Namal is a surah which has Bismillah two times.
What we say to first Ashra of Ramzan?
- Rehmat ka Ashra
- Magfirat ka Ashra
- Jahanum se Azadi ka Ashra
- None of these
- a
First Ashra of Ramzan is called Ashra for Rehmat.
Second Ashra is called Ashra for Magfirat.
Third Ashra of Ramzan is called for Freedom from Hell.
When Nimaz E Khoaf is read?
- During the war
- During the peace
- Both A & B
- None of these
- a
The reference about Fear Prayer is mentioned in Sahi Bukhari Hadees No 942.
Which type of worship is liked by Allah?
- Roza
- Nimaz
- Hajj
- Zakat
- b
There is mentioned about 700 times in Quran.
The number of Khutbat in Hajj is:
- 01
- 02
- 03
- 04
- a
Holy Prophet (PBUH) delivered one Khutba on Hajja Tul Wida.
In which Surah Hajj has been commanded?
- Al-Baqarah
- Al-Imran
- Al-Nisa
- None of these
- a
There is also order about Hajj in Surah Al Hajj Ayat no 27.
Holy Prophet (PBUH) had ……sons and …..daughters.
- 03 Daughters and 03 Sons
- 04 Daughters and 03 Sons
- 02 Daughters and 02 Sons
- None of these
- b
Fatima (R.A), Zainab (R.A), Ruqayya (R.A) and Umm E Kalsoom (R.A).
Abdullah (R.A), Ibrahim (R.A) and Qasim (R.A).
…….narrated maximum number of Ahdees?
- Umme Habiba (R.A)
- Maymoona (R.A)
- Ayesa (R.A)
- None of these
- c
Ayesha (R.A) narrated 2210 Ahadees.