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- d
Barometer is used for:
- Milk
- Water
- Atmospheric Pressure
- None of these
- c
Evangelista Torricelli invented the Barometer in 1643.
Tasmania is located in:
- Austria
- Australia
- Myanmar
- None of these
- b
Tasmania is an Island State of Australia.
Tasmania is the 26th largest Island of the World.
Most spoken language in the world is:
- Chinese
- Persian
- Arabic
- Hindi
- a
According to Constitution of 1956, The President of Pakistan should be ….:
- Muslim
- Christians
- Hindu
- None of these
- a
Total Articles of Constitution of 1956 of Pakistan were 234.
Largest Oil reserves are in ______
- Saudi Arabia
- Venezuela
- United States of America
- Canada
- b
Venezuela has largest oil reserves in the world. Saudi Arabia and Canada at 2nd and 3rd number respectively.
SAARC summit of 2004 was held in:
- Dubai
- Islamabad
- Dehli
- Beijing
- b
SAARC stands for South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation.
It was founded on 8th December 1985 in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Ibn-E-Batuta belonged to:
- Morocco
- Egypt
- Rom
- None of these
- a
Ibn-E-Batuta was a traveler.
When was war of Independence Ended ?
- 1855
- 1856
- 1857
- 1858
- d
War of Independence was started on 10th May1857 and ended on 1st November 1858.
What is meaning of Israel?
- King
- Adviser
- Creator
- None of these
- d
The meaning of Israel is “God Contented”.