- Discipline is the key to success.
- Discipline Key is to success.
- Success is key to Discipline.
- None of these
- a
نظم و ضبط کامیابی کی کنجی ہے۔
Use the following word in your own sentence: Brave:
- Brave man is Aslam.
- Aslam is a man brave.
- Aslam is a brave man.
- None of these
- C
اسلم ایک بہادر آدمی ہے۔
Use the following word in your own sentence: Recruitment:
- The Recruitment ended date
- The Recruitment date has ended.
- The date Recruitment has ended.
- None of these
- B
Present Perfect Tense.
بھرتی کی تاریخ ختم ہو گئی
Use the following word in your own sentence: Honesty:
- Honesty is the best Policy.
- Honesty is policy best.
- Best Policy is Honesty
- None of these
- a
ایمانداری بہترین حکمت عملی ہے۔
What is similar meaning word of “Fabricate”?
- Gigantic
- Forge
- Hygiene
- Heal
- b
Fabricate گھڑنا۔
Forge جعل سازی
What is similar meaning of “Stare”?
- Glance
- Perceive
- Reflect
- Intention
- a
Stare گھورنا۔
Glance نظر
The similar meaning word of “Illustrate”:
- Conversation
- Vice
- Exemplify
- Humor
- c
Illustrate مثال
Exemplify مثال دیں
What is opposite of “Insolvent”?
- Intuition
- Bankrupt
- Wealthy
- Translate
- c
Insolvent دیوالیہ۔
Wealthy دولت مند۔
All of us should abide …..the laws of country.
- with
- by
- in
- by
- b
ہم سب کو ملکی قوانین کی پاسداری کرنی چاہیے۔
A knife is to cut……….
- in
- for
- With
- Off
- C
چاقو سے کاٹنا ہے۔