- Lahore
- Kalanaur
- Dehli
- None of these
- b
The Mughal used the Mansabdar system for ……..
- Collecting Revenue
- Generating Revenue
- Both A & B
- Awarding Ranks
- d
Ghazi Brotha Dam is located on river:
- Chenab
- Indus
- Ravi
- Jhelum
- b
This Dam is constructed in Attock District of Punjab.
The height of this Dam is 50 meters.
The Installed
When Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was designated as member of Imperial Council?
- 1878
- 1881
- 1885
- 1890
- a
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan served from two times as a member of Imperial Legislative Council.
First time from 1878-1880.
Second time from 1887-1893.
Batura Glacier is located in:
- Gilgit Baltistan
- Punjab
- Sindh
- a
Batura Glacier is 57 Km long.
It is located in Hunza District, GB
Sheena is a language of:
- Sindh
- Gilgit Baltistan
- Punjab
- b
Sheena language has adopted from Indo-Aryan Families.
President Zia Ul Haq nominated Majlis E Shoora (Federal Council) in 1981:
- The Majlis E Shoora has no powers
- It could Criticized the Government
- It could make legislation
- None of these
- b
Balance Sheet shows:
- Financial Position of a Business
- Balance of Bank Statement
- Profit earned by a Business
- None of these
- a
A financial statement that summarizes assets and liabilities of a company at a specific time.
The meaning of MURTAZA (SAW) is……..
- The Companion
- The Purified
- The Content
- The Favorite
- c
The Holy Prophet started speech openly in….. Nabvi.
- 6th
- 5th
- 4th
- None of these
- c