- Youth
- Old
- Child
- None of these
- a
Mirror used in rear view of cars is:
- Convex Mirror
- Concave Mirro
- Both A & B
- None of these
- a
Ozone layers protects:
- from UV rays
- from Light rays
- from Moon rays
- None of these
- a
In IT, CAI stands for:
- Computer Assisted Instruction
- Current Assisted Instruction
- Central Assisted Instruction
- Computer Assisted Insulator
- a
Where is HQ of International High Commission of Human Rights?
- Geneva
- Hague
- Singapore
- Tokyo
- a
Geneva is the city of Switzerland.
What is name of Sixth Kalma?
- Tayyab
- Shahadat
- Tamjeed
- Radde Kufr
- d
Agra is located on the river of:
- Yamuna
- Ganga
- Godavari
- Kaveri
- a
Agra consist of 87 Km2 area.
Who recently joined WTO?
- Pakistan
- Iran
- Both A & B
- Afghanistan
- d
01 Mile = ?
- 1.609 Km
- 1.85 Km
- 2.09 Km
- 1.13 Km
- a
“01 Mile = 1609.34 Meters
Who was Prime Minister of Pakistan in 1954?
- Liaqat Ali Khan
- Sir Zafar Ullah Khan
- Muhammad Ali Bogra
- Iskandar Mirza
- c
The serving tenure of Muhammad Ali Bogra as Prime Minister of Pakistan is from 17th April 1953 to 12th August 1955.