- Geneva
- Hague
- Singapore
- Tokyo
- a
Geneva is the city of Switzerland.
What is name of Sixth Kalma?
- Tayyab
- Shahadat
- Tamjeed
- Radde Kufr
- d
Agra is located on the river of:
- Yamuna
- Ganga
- Godavari
- Kaveri
- a
Agra consist of 87 Km2 area.
Who recently joined WTO?
- Pakistan
- Iran
- Both A & B
- Afghanistan
- d
01 Mile = ?
- 1.609 Km
- 1.85 Km
- 2.09 Km
- 1.13 Km
- a
“01 Mile = 1609.34 Meters
Who was Prime Minister of Pakistan in 1954?
- Liaqat Ali Khan
- Sir Zafar Ullah Khan
- Muhammad Ali Bogra
- Iskandar Mirza
- c
The serving tenure of Muhammad Ali Bogra as Prime Minister of Pakistan is from 17th April 1953 to 12th August 1955.
Who is the Current Deputy Speaker of Pakistan National Assembly?
- Syed Ghulam Mustafa Shah
- Ejaz Shah
- Asad Qaiser
- Zahid Akram Durrani
- a
Syed Ghulam Mustafa Shah is serving as Deputy Speaker of National Assembly of Pakistan. He is 21st Deputy Speaker of National Assembly of Pakistan. He belongs to Pakistan People’s Party (PPP).
White House is situated in which city:
- Alaska
- Washington DC
- New York
- None of these
- b
White House was built 227 years ago.
Doklam is disputed area between:
- China & Bhutan
- Iran & Bhutan
- Iraq & Bhutan
- None of these
- a
ATM stands for:
- Auto Told Machine
- Automated Teller Machine
- Automated Task Machine
- None of these
- b
ATM was invented by John Shepherd Barron & Donald Wetzel