- Hockey
- Cricket
- Football
- Polo
- a
Hockey became national game of Pakistan in 1948.
The National game of India is also Hockey.
He did not qualify …..the job.
- to
- for
- against
- with
- b
وہ نوکری کے لیے اہل نہیں تھا۔
I was very thirsty! ……the water very quickly.
- drank
- drink
- drinks
- drinking
- a
میں بہت پیاسا تھا! بہت جلدی پانی پی لیا
Find out the Opposite meaning: “Follow”
- Come After
- Expendable
- Lead
- None of these
- c
Follow پیروی
Lead قیادت
Find out the Opposite meaning: “Withdraw”
- Want
- Advance
- Need
- Reduce
- a
Withdraw نکالنا
Want چاہنا
Find out the Opposite meaning: “Artificial”
- Red
- Natural
- Truthful
- Solid
- b
Artificial مصنوعی۔
Natural قدرتی۔
Find out the Opposite meaning: “Afraid”
- Frightened
- Uneasy
- Confident
- Inauspicious
- c
Afraid خوفزدہ
Confident پراعتماد۔
I am sure I will enjoy eating…..you cook.
- Whichever
- Whatever
- How
- What
- b
مجھے یقین ہے کہ آپ جو بھی کھانا پکاتے ہیں اسے کھانے میں لطف اندوز ہوں گے
Which senses of your body are similar in their function?
- Touch and Balance
- Smell & Taste
- Sight and Pain
- Sight and Hearing
- b
Five senses are Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste and Touch.
The newspaper will be read by him.
- Future Continuous Tense
- Future Indefinite Tense
- Future Perfect Tense
- None of these
- b
اخبار اس کے ذریعہ پڑھا جائے گا۔