- 1947
- 1950
- 1955
- 1967
- d
First Capital of Pakistan was Karachi.
Second Capital of Pakistan was Rawalpindi.
Third and Current Capital of Pakistan is Islamabad
What is function of Ribosomes?
- Separation of Peptides Bonds
- Formation of Peptides Bonds
- Both A & B
- None of these
- b
There are two main functions fo Ribosome's:
Decoding of Messages
Formation of Peptides Bonds
Which of the following is National Bird of Pakistan?
- Sparrow
- Chukor
- Crow
- Eagle
- b
The national vegetable of Pakistan is Lady Finger.
National Jungle of Pakistan is Changa Manga.
National Sports is Hockey.
How many degrees of Adjectives?
- 03
- 04
- 05
- 06
- a
Which instrument is used to measure the quantity of Milk?
- Lactometer
- Thermometer
- Rector Scale
- None of these
- a
Lactometer was invented by Louis Heusner on 8th May 1877.
Which city of Pakistan is called Manchester of Pakistan?
- Lahore
- Karachi
- Multan
- Faisalabad
- d
Manchester is city of England.
It has industry same as Faisalabad city of Pakistan.
Therefore, Faisalabad is called Manchester of Pakistan.
Gautam Buddha born in:
- China
- Nepal
- Sri Lanka
- Australia
- b
The full name of Gautam Buddha was Siddhartha Gautama.
He was founder of Buddhism.
He was born in Lumbini, Nepal.
The figure 1947 will be written in Roman Language as:
- None of these
- b
50 L
100 C
500 D
1000 M
Which of the following is seventh month of Islamic Year?
- Ramzan
- Rajab
- Muharram
- Zul Hajj
- b
- 10 mm
- 10 cm
- 10 m
- 1 foot
- a
1 Cm is equal to 0.01 Meter.
1 Cm is equal to 0.033 Foot.
1 Cm is equal to 0.393 Inch.