- Predominate
- Pridominate
- Pradominates
- Predomenate
- a
Predominate غالب
Choose the word with correct spelling:
- Succesful
- Sucessfull
- Successful
- Saccessful
- C
Successful کامیاب
Choose the word with correct spelling:
- Labbarious
- Laborious
- Loborious
- Labarious
- b
Laborious محنتی
Choose the word with correct spelling:
- Exashuting
- Exhausting
- Exhusting
- Exhosting
- b
Exhausting تھکاوٹ
Largest Dam of Pakistan is:
- Warsik Dam
- Mangla Dam
- Terbela Dam
- None of these
- c
Terbela Dam is located in Swabi & Haripur, Districts of KPK.
There are 150 (approx) in Pakistan.
The major Chunk of dams built from 1960-1975.
How many Laws of Motion were propounded by Newton:
- 6
- 5
- 4
- 3
- d
Isaac Newton Published these laws in 1687.
Pakistan International Airline (PIA) was established in:
- 1947
- 1955
- 1960
- 1965
- b
Day and Night changes due to:
- Earth Revolution around star
- Earth’s Revolution
- Earth’s revolution on its axis.
- None of these
- c
Abu Jahl was killed in the battle of:
- Uhad
- Badar
- Khandaq
- Moata
- b
Abdullah Ibn Masud (R.A) killed the Abu Jahl.
Quaid-E-Azam resigned from Congress:
- 1913
- 1920
- 1923
- 1927
- b
Quaid-E-Azam joined the Congress in 1906.