- Geneva
- New York
- London
- None of these
- a
It is founded in 1995.
It has 164 members.
Pakistan’s biggest & most powerful “Radio Station” is:
- Islamabad
- Karachi
- Lahore
- Peshawar
- a
There were only 03 Radio Stations in 1947 .
Total 22 Radio stations are broadcasting in Pakistan Now.
The first poet of Urdu Poetry is:
- Nazeer Akbar Aabadi
- Allama Iqbal
- Mirza Galib
- Hasrat Muhani
- a
The area lying between river Beas & the Ravi is called:
- Chaj Doab
- Bari Doab
- Rachna Doab
- Saharwal Doab
- b
Length of River Ravi is 720 KM.
Length of River Beas is 470 KM.
The Quaid-E-Azam’s Fourteen Points were issued in response to:
- Lord Mount
- Nehru Report
- 3rd June Plan
- Minto Marley
- b
Nehru’s report was published in 1928.
Fourteen Points of Quaid-E-Azam was published in 1929.
The Opposite of “Miscellaneous” is:
- Mingle
- Vague
- Similar
- Different
- c
De Jure means:
- By Itself
- By Law
- By Right
- By the way
- a
The Indus Treaty was signed in:
- 1958
- 1959
- 1960
- 1961
- c
Indus water treaty was a water distribution treaty between India and Pakistan.
It was conducted between Jawaharlal Nehru and Gen. Ayub Khan in 1960.
The Headquarter of the Commonwealth in:
- Shanghai
- Singapore
- New York
- London
- d
Commonwealth of Nations is a political association of 53 countries.
It is founded in 1931
Its purpose is cooperation at international level between countries for Human rights and Social development.
How many Nuclear Power Plants are in Pakistan:
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- d
Two Nuclear Power Plants are under construction.