- 04
- 03
- 02
- 01
- A
Break down of chain reaction
What is unit of Frequency?
- Hertz(Hz)
- Watt
- Joul
- None of these
- a
Heinrich Hertz proved first time presence of electromagnetic waves.
Who invented the Electric Bell?
- 1830
- 1831
- 1845
- 1860
- B
An American Scientist, Joseph Henry invented first electric doorbell.
Which of the following is the smallest particle of an Atom?
- Proton
- Neutron
- Electron
- None of these
- C
Faisal Masjid was opened for public on ……
- 1975
- 1987
- 1990
- None of these
- d
Faisal Masjid was opened for public in 1986.
On 18th June 1988, First Prayer was held in Faisal Masjid.
Proton is greater then Electron …..times.
- 1830
- 1840
- 1850
- 1860
- b
Proton was discovered by Ernest Rutherford in 1900s.
Joseph John Thomas discovered Electron in 1897.
How many characteristics of Hose?
- 03
- 04
- 05
- 06
- c
Resistance to rot
Frictional Loss
How many method of Hose storage?
- 02
- 03
- 04
- 05
- c
Roll Method
Dutch Roll Method
Flake Roll
Figure of Eight Method
Roll Method
Its Simple method on ground. This Roll Method starts from Female side coupling.
Dutch Roll Method
There will be distance of 3 feet between male and female end and both will be same side.
Flaking Method
This method is often used in Hospitals.
Figure of Eight Method
In this method coupling will be in the center of 8.
What is weight of Fire Hose?
- 10 Kg
- 17 Kg
- 05 Kg
- 25 Kg
- b
The coupling diameter is 2.5 inch.
Fire Hose can bear temperature upto 60 C.
…….material is used in Hose manufacturing.
- Canvas
- Polestar
- Plastic
- None of these
- a
There is used Canvas, Rubber and Polyester in Hose manufacturing.