- 148.8C
- 100C
- 125C
- 50C
- a
A human can take breath on 300F temperature for some moments.
How many types of smoke?
- 02
- 03
- 04
- 05
- c
There are four types of smoke, which are:
Wooden Smoke
Metallic Smoke
Chemical Smoke
Cigarette Smoke
Smoke is a ……of a solid in a gas.
- Head Dispersion
- Water Dispersion
- Colloidal Dispersion
- None of these
- C
Smoke is a result of incomplete combustion.
چیز کا اپنی اصل حالت چھوڑے بغیر دوسری حالت میں آجانا ، کولائڈل ڈسپرشن کہلاتا ہے۔
Which material in fire turnout gears is used for reflection?
- Aredium
- Platinum
- Iron
- None of these
- a
Which material is used in Fire Suits?
- Asbestos
- Nomax
- Forax
- None of these
- b
Nomax material can bear flames within 5 seconds.
It can bear 1600C heat.
PPE stands for:
- Pressure and Protective Equipment
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Both A & B
- None of these
- c
There are some PPE’s for a Fire Rescuer, which are:
Fire Turnout Gear
Fire Safety Helmet
Fire Safety Goggles
Fire Safety Gloves
LEL stands for:
- Left Explosive Limit
- Lower Explosive Limit
- Last Explosive Limit
- None of these
- b
OSHA stands for:
- Occupational Safety Health Administration
- Occupational Status and Health Administration
- Occupational Safety Hazard Administration
- None of these
- a
OSHA define the quantity of Chemical in the air.
What is range of a Monitor?
- 70 m
- 80 m
- 90 m
- 100 m
- a
A Fire Monitor has range of 70 meters at 10 bar pressure.
It can discharge 4500 lpm.
NFPA stands for:
- National Fire and Protocol Association
- National Fire Protection Association
- North Fire Protection Association
- National Fire and Protection Agency
- b
NFPA was founded on 6th November 1896.