- 5%
- 10%
- 15%
- 20%
- a
In how much forms the bid is written:
- 4 types
- 5 types
- 6 types
- 7 types
- a
Pension Rule 2016 revise to give the pension form:
- 25
- 26
- 27
- 28
- a
In case of International bidding the maximum time given to submit bid documents:
- 30 days
- 20 days
- 10 days
- 05 days
- a
Time Period for national level bidding is 15 days.
Who became Prime Minister of Pakistan after General Election of 1990?
- Nawaz Sharif
- Benazir Bhutto
- Zafarullah Jamali
- Ch.Pervaiz Elahi
- a
Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif became 12th Prime Minister of Pakistan after General Election of 1990.
Moving around the Khana Kaaba is called:
- Saee
- Tawaf
- Rami
- Astalam
- b
Kiss to Hajar E Aswad is called Astalam.
What is shortcut key to Print in MS Power Point?
- Ctrl + A
- Ctrl + P
- Ctrl + C
- Ctrl + K
- b
When WHO declared Covid-19 as Pandemic Disease?
- 11th March 2020
- 11th March 2029
- 15th March 2020
- 21th March 2020
- a
First case of Covid-19 was reported on 31st December 2019.
Power Point is used for:
- Presentation
- Documentation
- Banking
- None of these
- a
What is term used when you press and hold the left Mouse Key and move the mouse around the slide?
- Dropping
- Dragging
- Both A & B
- None of these
- b