- Erased
- Cleared
- wiped
- Cleaned
- c
ماں نے بچے کے آنسو پونچھے۔
…….a long time this city has been prosperous.
- till
- for
- since
- None of these
- c
ایک طویل عرصے سے یہ شہر خوشحال رہا ہے۔
He has put…..the meeting.
- up
- away
- off
- put under
- c
Put off is a phrasal verb.
اس نے ملاقات کو روک لیا ہے۔
You should try to ….your expenditure.
- cut out
- cut off
- cut down
- cut under
- b
آپ کو اپنے اخراجات کم کرنے کی کوشش کرنی چاہئے۔
No sooner did he go in…..he came out.
- after
- than
- before
- then
- b
کیا وہ اتنا جلدی اندر گیا تھا ؟ جنتا جلدی باہر آیا۔
Fungi…..not included among the plant kingdom.
- are
- will be
- is
- None of these
- a
The word Fungus is singular.
The word Fungi is plural.
Therefore, we use are with Fungi.
Audit of bank is an example of :
- Balance Sheet Audit
- Concurrent Audit
- Statutory Audit
- All of the Above
- d
Current Ratio is calculated as :
- Current Liabilities / Current Assets
- Current Assets / Current Liabilities
- Capital / Current Asset
- None of these
- b
Important tool for cost Planning is :
- Audit
- Budget
- Management
- None of these
- b
Budget provides different way for planning in future to meet the goals of organization.
Internal Audit should be done by:
- External Management
- Internal Management
- External Auditors
- None of these
- b
The Organization held audit as internal audit by the accountant of organization, it is called internal audit.
External Audit always performed by third party.