- Bill Gates
- Elon Musk
- Jeff Bezos
- Bernald Arnault
- d
The first richest man in the world in 2024 is Bernard Arnault, at second is Elon Musk and at third is Jeff Bezos.
Who is current President of UNGA?
- Joe Biden
- Dennis Francis
- Antonio Gutters
- Abdullah Shahid
- b
He is serving as Presiden of United Nations General Assembly since 5th September 2023. He is 78th President of UNGA.
Who is current President of US?
- Joe Biden
- Donald Trump
- Barak Obama
- None of these
- a
Joe Biden is 46th President of US.
He belongs to Democratic Party.
How many total Surah in Holy Quran?
- 114
- 144
- 148
- 150
- a
There are 28 Surah Madni and 86 Surah are Makki.
Islam spreads in Sindh in Caliphate of:
- Umayyad
- Babar
- Orangzaib
- None of these
- a
Islam spread in Sindh with the entrance of Muhammad Bin Qasim in Sindh in 712.
Muhammad Bin Qasim was a 16 years young Commander of Arab Military.
What is the picture on the front of 10 rupees?
- Khyber Pass
- Badshahi Masjid
- Faisal Masjid
- Mohanjo Daro
- a
There is printed photo of Quaid E Azam and Khyber Pass Peshawar Photo.
Current 10 rupees currency note was introduced on 27th May 2006 in Pakistan.
Who was Viceroy of India during partition of Bengal?
- Lord Curzon
- Lord Mountbatten
- Lord Ripon
- Lord Linithgow
- a
Bengal was divided on 19th July 1905 by Lord Curzon.
Lord Harding cancelled this partition of Bengal in 1911.
Study of Human Culture is called:
- Sociology
- Criminology
- Anthropology
- None of these
- c
Anthropology is a branch of Sociology.
It is observation of culture, living style, traditions, customs and etc.
The middle surface of Earth is called:
- Core
- Mantle
- Crust
- All of the above
- b
Earth is divided into three main layers, which are
What is Evening Star?
- Pluto
- Venus
- Mars
- None of above
- b
Venus is the brightest planet in the Solar System.
Evening Star appears on the sky after sunset and looks brightest star in the sky.