- Chagi Hills
- Raskoh
- Toba Kakar
- Koh E Sufaid
- a
Chaghi Hills are located in District Chaghi.
District Chaghi is the biggest district of Pakistan.
Yom E Takbeer is celebrated on 28th May of each year in Pakistan.
Which mountain range is located in Sindh province?
- Himalyas
- Salt
- Kirthar Mountains
- Karakoram
- c
Kirthar Mountains are located in Sindh and Balochistan provinces.
The length of Kirthar Mountains is 300 Km (Approx)
Which one didn’t serve as Chairman of Senate of Pakistan?
- Shahla Raza
- Habibullah Khan
- Wasim Sajjad
- Raza Rabbani
- a
Habibullah Khan 1st
Wasim Sajjad 3rd
Raza Rabbani 7th
Current Chairman Senate is Sadiq Sanjrani.
He is 9th Chairman Senate of Pakistan.
Which Pass connects Pakistan and Afghanistan?
- Tochi Pass
- Khyber Pass
- Gomal Pass
- Khunjrab Pass
- b
Khyber Pass was built after First World War in 1925 between Landi Kotel and Jamrud.
The length of Khyber Pass is 53 Km.
Who addressed in Allahabad in 1930?
- Quaid E Azam
- Allama Iqbal
- Muhammad Ali Johar
- Liaqat Ali Khan
- b
Khutba Allahabad was delivered during 25th annual session of All India Muslim League on 29th December 1930 at Allahabad, India.
What percent of 40 is 16?
- 40%
- 50%
- 60%
- 70%
- a
Simplify : 0.8-0.3+0.5=?
- 1
- 1.6
- 2.0
- 2.3
- a
The average (Arithmetic Mean) of 5,10,15 and X is 20. What is the value of X?
- 50
- 60
- 70
- 65
- a
An alarm beeps 16 times per minute. How much time will it take to beep 88 times ?
- 5 Minutes
- 5.5 Minutes
- 6.5 Minutes
- 7 Minutes
- b
3.75 sec
88*3.75=330 sec=5.5 Minutes
A car consumes 20 liters of petrol to drive 240 kilometers. How many liters of petrol will be required for a trip of 600 Kilometer?
- 50
- 60
- 45
- 35
- a
20 Liters = 240 km
1 Liter=240/20
12 Km