- Arms
- Eyes
- Legs
- Mouth
- b
This word is PERRLA.
PERRLA stands for:
P Pupils
E Equal
R Round
R Reactive
L Light
A Accommodation
Which one drug is used topically for genital herpes infection?
- Fusidic Cream
- Acyclovir
- Nitonavir
- Amantadine
- b
Acyclovir or Zovirox
It is and an antiviral medicine that is used for skin treatment against herpes virus.
The normal Respiration range for a healthy adult should be between …..breaths per min.
- 30-60
- 12-20
- 18-30
- None of these
- d
Normal Respiration rate of an Adult is 15-20.
A Patient with profuse sweating is said to be?
- Hypothermic
- Diaphoretic
- Diabetic
- Pre-Eclampsia
- B
Diaphoretic پسینہ لانے والی دوا
The muscle part of the heart is called:
- Pericardium
- Endocardium
- Myocardium
- Epicardium
- c
An infant develops Jaundice 6 hours after birth. Which one of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
- Haemolytic disease of the newborn
- Physiological Jaundice
- Umbilical Sepsis
- Atresia of the bile ducts
- a
Without oxygen brain damage is likely after …..-……mins.
- 10-07
- 06-07
- 04-05
- 02-04
- b
The largest blood vessel in the body is the:
- Aorta
- Inferior Vena Cava
- Pulmonary Vein
- None of the above
- a
The appendix is situated in the:
- Left Lower Quadrant
- Right Upper Quadrant
- Right lower Quadrant
- Left Upper Quadrant
- c
When assessing for the pain is a toddler, which of the following methods would be the most appropriate?
- Use a numeric Pain scale
- Observe the child for restlessness
- Ask the child about the pain
- Assess for changes in vital signs
- b