- Indus River
- Ravi River
- Jhelum River
- Chenab River
- a
The length of River Indus is 3180 Km.
River Indus is National River of Pakistan.
Makah was conquered in which year?
- 626 AD
- 627 AD
- 629 AD
- None of these
- c
Makkah was conquered in month of Ramzan 8th Hijri.
How many Makki Surah in Quran?
- 84
- 86
- 88
- 90
- b
There are total 114 surah in Quran.
86 Surah out of 114 are Makki and 28 are Madni.
Who conquered the Khyber Fort?
- Umar (R.A)
- Ali (R.A)
- Usman (R.A)
- None of these
- b
Khyber Fort was conquered in 7th Hijri.
What is synonym of Myth?
- Hapiness
- Formality
- Misbehave
- None of these
- c
Myth افسانہ
Misbehave بدگمانی
What is antonym of Harmony?
- agreemetn
- Disagreement
- Willing
- None of these
- b
Harmony ہم آہنگی
Disagreement اختلاف
Who is current Chief Minister of Baluchistan?
- usman Buzdar
- Abdul Qadus Bazinjo
- Mir Sarfraz Bugti
- Mehmood Khan
- c
Sarfraz Bugti is serving as Chief Minister of Balochistan since 2nd March 2024. He belongs to Pakistan People’s Party (PPP).
What is second pillar of Islam after Toheed?
- Nimaz
- Zakat
- Roza
- Hajj
- a
Holy Prophet (PBUH) born in which month?
- Rabi Ul Awwal
- Muharram
- Safar
- Ramzan
- a
Holy Prophet (PBUH) born in Rabi Ul Awwal.
Holy Prophet (PBUH) died on 12 Rabi Ul Awwal 11 Hijri.
What is antonym of Benign?
- Enemy
- Friendly
- Not Friendly
- None of these
- c