- France
- China
- India
- Japan
- a
The Statute of Liberty was gifted to US by France in 1881.
All Solved Past Papers 2019 are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All Solved MCQs of 2019 of All Departments. All Posts and All Testing Services are also included in this section.
Word Urdu means
- Tajweed
- Jung
- Lashkar
- Ijtima
- c
Urdu is National Language of Pakistan.
The word Urdu is derived from Turkish word “Ordu”.
Urdu was introduced in 17th century in central Asia
Raja Gidh is authored by:
- Ahmed Nadeem Qasmi
- Bano Qudsiya
- Ashfaq Ahmed
- None of these
- b
Raja Gidh was published in 1981.
Short Term loan can be described as:
- If the period is less then one year
- Period should be one month
- Period should be 2 Years
- Period should be 15 days
- a
Long term loan consist of more then one year time period
Current Ratio is calculated as:
- Capital/Assets
- Current Assets/Current Liabilities
- Current Assets/Drawings
- Current Liabilities/Capital
- b
Current Ratio shows about the loss & profit of company to partners within a specific time period.
Income Tax rates are same for:
- Limited Companies
- Banking Companiesb
- Private Limited Companies
- None of these
- b
Audit of a bank generally conducted through:
- 31st of every month
- Weekly basis
- Routine Checking
- Balance sheet Audit
- c
DNA was discovered by:
- Watson & Crick
- Jacob & Monod
- Khorana
- Baltimore
- a
DNA is related to Biochemistry. DNA stands for Deoxyribonucleic
Watson & Crick discovered the Chemical structure of DNA in 1953.
DNA was discovered by Swiss Chemist Friedrich in 1860.
Source of financing of the Provincial Annual Development Program (ADP) is:
- Provincial Revenues
- Federal Financial Assistance
- Foreign Aided funds
- All of these above.
- d
While constructing Dam, flow of water reduces due to dredging of the bridge, this is cost is considered as:
- Direct Cost
- Tangible Cost
- Indirect Cost
- Intangible Cost
- c