- Al-Baqarah
- Al-Nas
- Al-Nisa
- Aal E Imran
- a
Surah Al Baqarah is second Surah of Quran.
Surah AL Baqarah is longest Surah of Quran.
Longest Ayat of Quran is also include in Surah Al Baqarah.
Surah Al Baqarah consist of 286 aayat.
All Solved Past Papers 2021 are included in this section.All Solved MCQs of 2021 of All Posts, All Departments and All Testing Services are also included in this section.
Injeel means:
- Peace
- Signs
- Good News
- Light
- c
Injeel is an Arabic name.
Injeel was revealed on Esa (A.S).
In which Hijri Year Zakat became obligation?
- 4th Hijri
- 5th Hijri
- 2nd Hijri
- 3rd Hijri
- c
Zakat, Roza and Jihad became obligation in 2nd Hijri.
For……years Halima took care of Prophet (PBUH).
- 06
- 07
- 08
- 09
- a
In Hajj, travelling seven times between Mount Safa & Marwa is called:
- Sayee
- Ramee
- Tawaaf
- Istilam
- a
Kiss to Hajar E Aswad is called Istilam.
Hit the stones to Devil is called Ramee.
Obligation in Islam are called:
- Wajib
- Farz
- Nafl
- Sunnat
- b
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had …..sons.
- 02
- 03
- 04
- 05
- b
Ibrahim (A.S)
Qasim (A.S)
Abdullah (A.S)
Antonym of “Ductile” is:
- Brittle
- Stiff
- Pliable
- Soft
- b
Ductile دھات کیطرح سخت
“bolt from blue” means?
- Good News
- Unexpected Unfortune
- Expected Misfortune
- None of these
- b
It is used in place of totally/completely surprise.
Synonym of “Alert” is:
- Intelligent
- Watchful
- Energetic
- Observant
- b
Alert ہوشیار۔