- Tolerance
- Tolerence
- Tolerrence
- Tollarance
- a
Tolerance رواداری
All Solved Past Papers 2021 are included in this section.All Solved MCQs of 2021 of All Posts, All Departments and All Testing Services are also included in this section.
Choose the correct spelling :
- Patence
- Patience
- Paitence
- Patiance
- b
Patience صبر
Choose the correct spelling:
- Statute
- Statutte
- Stattatute
- Satattute
- a
Statute قانون/ مجسمہ
What is Synonym of highlighted word in sentence? The king help “THE NEEDY” and poor.
- Destitute
- Resutute
- Delute
- None of these
- a
In PQ the right bisector passes through its?
- Mid Point
- End Point
- Start Point
- None of above
- a
Matrices was introduced by?
- James Sylvester
- Arthur Kelly
- Both A & B
- None of these
- c
If +5 means profit of 5 Rs the -5 means:
- Profit of 5
- Loss of 5
- Equal to 5
- None of these
- b
a2-b2 =
- (a+b)(a-b)
- (a-b)(a-b)
- (a+b)(a+b)
- (a*b)(a-b)
- a
In which quadrant P(2,-3) lies.
- 1st
- 2nd
- 3rd
- 4th
- d
A body is said to be in —— if it changes its position with respect to surroundings.
- Motion
- Rest
- Stationery
- Unchanged
- a