- 23rd March 1930
- 22 March 1928
- 31st March 1929
- 31st March 1942
- c
All Solved Past Papers 2021 are included in this section.All Solved MCQs of 2021 of All Posts, All Departments and All Testing Services are also included in this section.
When East India Company was established?
- 1600
- 1700
- 1720
- 1820
- a
How many Constitutions have been so far promulgated?
- 01
- 02
- 03
- 04
- b
1st Constitution
2nd Constitution
3rd Constitution
Where is the Headquarter of ASEAN?
- Brazil
- Sudan
- Indonesia
- None of the Above
- c
The Headquarter of ASEAN is situated in Jakarta, Indonesia.
ASEAN stands for Association of Southeast Asian Association.
How much part of Turkey falls in Europe?
- 10%
- 7%
- 5%
- 12%
- a
Total 10% area of Turkey is located in Europe.
Total 3% Population of Turkey is living in Europe Area.
The place of Turkey which is located in Europe is called Thrace.
When Organization Islamic Conference (OIC) was constituted?
- 1969
- 1970
- 1971
- 1972
- a
Safi Ullah is the title of:
- Ismail (A.S)
- Adam (A.S)
- Ibrahim (A.S)
- Shoaib (A.S)
- b
How many Takbeer are offered in Eid Prayer?
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- a
When was the first Juma Prayer offered?
- 1st AH
- 2nd AH
- 3rd AH
- 4th AH
- a
Which sin will not be forgiven by Allah ?
- Jealousy
- Shirk
- Telling Lies
- Hypocrisy
- b