- Oneness of Allah
- Prophets
- Books
- Angels
- a
All Solved Past Papers 2021 are included in this section.All Solved MCQs of 2021 of All Posts, All Departments and All Testing Services are also included in this section.
The Sovereignty of the world belongs to:
- Allah Almighty
- Politicians
- Humans
- Elf
- a
The meaning of Shirk is?
- Participation
- Divide
- Gathering
- Separation
- a
The biggest and Severe sin is:
- Shirk
- Fornication
- Theft
- Premium
- a
What is opposite of Toheed?
- Shirk
- Prayer
- Exercise
- Hajj
- a
Shirk has main two types.
Who is current Secretary General of UN?
- Joe Biden
- Antonio Gutters
- Donald Trump
- Bill Gates
- b
Antonio Gutters is the 9th General Secretary of UNGA.
He belongs to Portugal.
Which Country is banned to import Covid Vaccine from UK and US?
- Iran
- Turkey
- Pakistan
- Indonesia
- a
Iran banned to import the Covid Vaccine from UK and US on 8th January 2021.
Who is known as Innocent in humans?
- Prophets
- Officers
- Labour
- None of these
- a
Literal Meaning of “Aqeeda”?
- To tie a Knot
- To left the Knot
- To pick the Rope
- None of these
- a
لفظ عقیدہ عقد سے نکلا ہے جس کا مطلب ہے گرہ لگانا۔
Zaboor was revealed on which Prophet?
- Musa (A.S)
- Dawood (A.S)
- Esa (A.S)
- Muhammad (PBUH)
- b
Toraat :Musa (A.S)
Zaboor :Dawood (A.S)
Injeel :Esa (A.S)
Quran Majeed : Muhammad (PBUH)