Airport Security Force (ASF) Assistant Sub Inspector (ASI) English MCQs

Select the correct translation of the following:کسان چار روز سے ہل چلا رہا ہو گا

  • The farmer do not plaguing four days.
  • The farmer will have been ploughing for four days.
  • The farmer will have been ploughing since four days.
  • The farmer will had been ploughing for four days.
  • b
  • Present Perfect Continuous Tense

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Airport Security Force (ASF) Assistant Sub Inspector (ASI) English MCQs

Change the voice of the following: No one responded to my sales add

  • My sales add was not responded by anyone.
  • My sales add was not respond by anyone.
  • My sales add could not responded by anyone.
  • My sales add is not responded to by anyone.
  • a
  • میرے سیلز کے اشتہار پر کسی نے بھی جواب نہیں دیا

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