- Colapse
- Collepse
- Collapse
- Collappse
- c
Collapse گرنے
All Solved Past Papers 2021 are included in this section.All Solved MCQs of 2021 of All Posts, All Departments and All Testing Services are also included in this section.
Choose the word with correct spelling:
- Difame
- Deffame
- Defame
- Daffame
- c
Defame بدنام کرنا
Choose the word with correct spelling:
- Humiliate
- Hummiliate
- Humeliate
- None of these
- a
Humiliate ذلیل کرنا
Synonym of “Anomaly” is:
- Irregularly
- Normally
- Strength
- Integrity
- b
Normally عام طور پر
Synonym of pragmatic is:
- Magnetic
- Practical
- Liar
- Arrogant
- b
Pragmatic حقیقت پسندانہ
Practical عملی
He is interested ….history.
- on
- in
- about
- of
- b
“Behind the scene” means?
- A difficult Position
- Privately
- In different place
- In a theater
- b
I was surprised by the large ….people who came?
- sum of
- number of
- amount of
- total of
- b
If he …..to me. I would have entertained him?
- came
- had come
- are come
- will come
- b
Please open the book…..page 10?
- in
- at
- on
- us
- b