IBA Sukkur Mathematics MCQs STS SIBA Past Papers

Ages of two persons differ by 16 years. If 6 years ago, the elder one be 3 times as old the younger one, find their present age?

  • 16,32
  • 18,34
  • 12,28
  • 14,30
  • d
  • Let the present age of one person be=x
    Let the present age of second person be=x+16
    6 Years ago age of elder person=x+16-6=x+10
    Age of the younger person=x-6
    According to the given statement:
    Younger Age=14
    Elder Age=14+16=30

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IBA Sukkur Mathematics MCQs STS SIBA Past Papers

Rauf is 6 feet tall and he notices that he casts a shadow that’s 5 feet long. He then measure that the shadow cast by the school building is 30 feet long, the height of the building in feet is _____

  • 28
  • 32
  • 36
  • 48
  • c
  • Height of Rauf=6 feet
    Shadow of Rauf=5 feet
    Height of the building=X
    Shadow of the building=30 feet
    So, 6/5=X/30

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IBA Sukkur International Affairs MCQs STS SIBA Past Papers

Belt and Road initiative (BRI) is a Chinese grand strategy was first launched in 2013 during the speech of Chinese President _____

  • Hu Ju Tao
  • Xi Jinping
  • Jang Zemin
  • Wen Jis Bao
  • b
  • BRI is also known as OBOR.
    BRI stands for Belt and Road Initiative.
    OBOR stands for One Belt One Road.
    The purpose of this initiative to access in 150 countries to promote economics and trade.

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