- IP
- None of these
- B
TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol.
All Solved Past Papers 2023 are included in this section. All Solved MCQs of 2023 of All Departments, All Posts and All Testing Services are also included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website.
Which is called Gift of Egypt?
- River Amazon
- River Indus
- River Nile
- None of these
- C
Meteorology is related to:
- Jhon Dalton
- Aristotle
- Marconi
- None of these
- B
What is number of Earth in planets?
- 4th
- 5th
- 6th
- None of these
- A
Who was the hero of Indo-Pak 1965 War?
- Aziz Bhatti
- Rashid Minhas
- Muhammad Sarwar
- None of these
- A
Social positivism ____ in life.
- Lost
- Separate
- Achieved
- None of these
- C
Youth Day is celebrated every year on:
- 12th August
- 14th August
- 18 August
- None of these
- A
Which of the following did the post-war welfare state of 1948 not aim to provide:
- Maximum wage
- Average wage
- Minimum wage
- None of these
- C
Which of the following was not part of the Weber’s ideal type of bureaucracy?
- Salaries
- Arrears
- Bonus
- All of the above
- A
Stage 3 of the _____ the main causes of illness and death are chronic, degenerative diseases, such as cancer, heart diseases and strokes.
- Health Transition
- Financial Transition
- Zero Transition
- None of these
- A