- Nickel
- Ferrous
- Both A & B
- Both A & B
- A
All Solved Past Papers 2023 are included in this section. All Solved MCQs of 2023 of All Departments, All Posts and All Testing Services are also included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website.
Who started the first English newspaper in India?
- Willian Henry
- James Augustus Hicky
- James Augustus
- None of these
- B
The first US Embassy in Karachi was established on _____
- 17th August 1948
- 16th August 1947
- 15th August 1947
- None of these
- C
The foundation stone of Quaid E Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s Mausoleum was laid by Field Marshal Muhammad Ayub Khan on _____
- 31st July 1960
- 31st July 1961
- 31st July 1962
- None of these
- A
Pakistan’s Standard Time was adopted on:
- 25th December 1951
- 21st November 1951
- 17th October 1951
- 15th September 1951
- D
The first Pakistani born American female astrophysics who was appointed as Dean of school of Science at MIT in 2020?
- Nargis Mavalvala
- Noreen David
- Misbah Umber
- None of these
- A
The Govt. of Sindh has recently introduced a new district in Karachi that is _____
- Chitral
- Sahiwal
- Bolan
- Kemari
- D
The Satellite Badar-I was designed and fabricated by ____ in Pakistan.
- Lesco
- Suparco
- Mepco
- None of these
- B
What was duration of First Martial Law?
- 10th January 1960 to 15th June 1963
- 8th September 1958 to 10th June 1963
- 7th October 1958 to 8th June 1962
- None of these
- C
Justice (R) Sardar Muhammad Iqbal was the ____ wafaqi Muhtasib of Pakistan on 25th February 1983.
- First
- Second
- Third
- Fourth
- A