- Eye
- Mouth
- Leg
- Arm
- A
All Solved Past Papers 2023 are included in this section. All Solved MCQs of 2023 of All Departments, All Posts and All Testing Services are also included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website.
Sachal Sarmast famous poet of province:
- Sindh
- Punjab
- Balochistan
- A
AB De Villiers belong to which country?
- India
- Canada
- South Africa
- England
- C
He was South African Cricketer.
There are two main types of orientation which are:
- Print Preview and Page Layout
- Portrait and Landscape
- Both A & B
- None of these
- B
Which of the following country is not member of BRICS?
- Canada
- Russia
- China
- South Africa
- A
BRICS stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa
It was founded in June 2006
Pakistan Ideology based on which theory?
- Objective Resolution
- Two Nations Theory
- 14 Points of Quiad
- None of these
- B
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan gave Two Nations Theory.
Fredric Pessy first Nobel Prize winner belonged to which country?
- France
- India
- Japan
- Sri Lanka
- A
He was an Economic.
How many Nishan E Haider are awarded till now (2020)?
- 09
- 10
- 11
- 12
- B
Raja Muhammad Sarwar
Tufail Muhammad
Raja Aziz Bhatti
Rashid Minhas
Muhammad Akram
Shabbir Sharif
Muhammad Hussain Janjua
Muhammad Mehfuz
Karnal Sher Khan
Lalal Jan
What is tenure of President of Pakistan?
- 03 Years
- 05 Years
- 07 Years
- 09 Years
- B
Pakistan joined UNO on:
- 18th September 1947
- 22nd September 1947
- 27th September 1947
- 30th September 1947
- D
UNO stands for United Nations Organization.
UNO was established on 24th October 1945.