- Arms
- Legs
- Skin
- None of these
- C
All Solved Past Papers 2023 are included in this section. All Solved MCQs of 2023 of All Departments, All Posts and All Testing Services are also included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website.
Whole body of human is controlled by:
- Heart
- Brain
- Legs
- None of these
- B
How many gases are present in the air?
- 06
- 07
- 08
- 09
- A
There are present Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen, Hydrogen, Argon and Helium.
Oxygen was discovered by:
- Carl Wilhem Schelee
- Carl Wilhem Schelee
- Madam Curi
- None of these
- A
Oxygen was discovered in 1772.
What is main purpose of Platelets?
- Increase Immune System
- Carry Oxygen
- To Stop Bleeding
- None of these
- C
Red Blood Cells carry oxygen from the lungs to the all parts of body.
White Blood Cells are also called Immune System of body. They help the body to fight infections and diseases.
Every action has reaction but in opposite direction, is a law of _____
- Inertia
- Motion
- Static
- None of these
- B
Its third law of motion.
Isaac Newton presented three laws of motion.
Isaac Newton presented his laws of motion in 1686.
Which Vitamin is found in abundance in Cow milk?
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin B
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
Vitamin A is found in Eggs, Green Vegetables, Orange, Carrot, Mangos, Apricots and Dairy Products.
Which is found in Meat?
- Iron
- Fats
- Zinc
- All of the above
- D
Meat consist of Iodine, Zinc, Iron, Vitamins (B12), Fatty Acids etc.
TCV stands for:
- Typhoid Conjugate Vaccine
- Through Conjugate Vaccine
- Temporary Conjugate Vaccine
- None of these
- A
TCV consist of singe dose for children 6 month of age and older.
TCV used to prevent bacteria.
HIB Vaccine is used for _____
- Phenomonia
- Meningitis
- Both A & B
- Hepatitis B
- A
HIB stands for Haemophilus Influenzae Type B.