- Bacteria
- Virus
- Polio
- None of these
- A
Diphtheria is a severe bacterial infection.
Its related to mucus membrane.
Its effects on heart indirectly also.
Diptheria Vaccine is used is for throat disease.
Diphtheria Vaccine and Pertusis Vaccines are used to prevent bacteria.
All Solved Past Papers 2023 are included in this section. All Solved MCQs of 2023 of All Departments, All Posts and All Testing Services are also included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website.
How many forms are used in RED Plan?
- 05
- 06
- 07
- 08
- B
There are six types of forms which are Work Map, Session Plan, Work Plan, Stock Record, Drop Outs location, Summary.
vLMIS stands for:
- Very Logistic Management Information System
- Vaccine Legal Management Information System
- Vaccine Logistic Management Information System
- None of these
- C
MSC stands for:
- Most Suspect Cases
- Measles Suspect Cases
- Minimum Suspect Cases
- None of these
- B
Any person with fever, rash, caugh, running nose (corzya) or with red eyes (conjuctivitis).
CCPV stands for:
- Continuous Community Protected Vaccination
- Common Community Protected Vaccination
- Community Continuously Protected Vaccination
- None of these
- A
MS stands for:
- Manual Superintendent
- Memory Superintendent
- Medical Superintendent
- None of these
- C
DMS stands for Deputy Medical Superintendent.
MO stands for Medical Officer.
SMO stands for Senior Medical Officer.
ENT stands for:
- Ear, Nose, Thigh
- Eye. Nose, Throat
- Ear, Nose, Throat
- None of these
- C
DHO stands for:
- District Health Officer
- Dual Health Officer
- District Health Offer
- None of these
- A
EDO stands for:
- Emergency Detention Order
- Ejaculatory Duct Obstruction
- Executive District Office
- All of the above
- D
Emergency Detention Order is related a court order related to medical.
Ejaculatory Duct Obstruction is a blockage and related to medical.
Executive District Officer is a Disctrict Incharge of Health Department.
Amphibians lay theirs eggs in ____
- Water
- Mountain
- Earth
- None of these
- A
Reptiles lay their eggs on land.
Amphibians are those animals which live in water.
Amphibians examples are Frogs, Toads, Newts, Salamanders etc.