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Mercury Thermometer
30 Day Electronic Temperature Logger
Electronic Freeze Indicator
All Solved Past Papers 2023 are included in this section. All Solved MCQs of 2023 of All Departments, All Posts and All Testing Services are also included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website.
How many parts of Syringe?
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- C
Remember, There are three parts of needle and five parts of syringe.
Plunger Seal
Plunger Top
What is Drop Outs formula of TT?
- (TTT-Measles)*100
- (TTT-Measles)*100
- (TTI-TT2) / TTI * 100
- None of these
- C
What is Drop Outs formula of Measles?
- (Measles I – Measles II) / Measles I * 100
- (Measles II*100)/Pentavalent
- Penta(Measles/100)*100
- None of these
- A
What is Drop Outs formula of Pentavalent?
- (Penta-PentaII)/Penta*100
- (Penta I – Penta 3) / Penta I * 100
- (Penta-PentaII)/Penta*100
- None of these
- B
What is Drop Outs formula of PCV-10?
- [PCV/100(10)*10/PCV*100]
- {PCV*(10)-PCV(10)3}/PCV*100
- [PCV(10)I-PCV(10)3]/PCV (10)I * 100
- None of these
- C
What is Drop Outs formula of OPV?
- (OPV-OPVII)*100
- (100*OPVIII)/OPV*100
- None of these
- A
What is Drop Outs formula of BCG?
- (BCG-Phemococal)BCG*100
- (BCG-Measles*I)/BCG *100
- (Measles-BCG)*100
- None of these
- B
How many parts of Needle?
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How much vaccines are included in Pentavalent?
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This vaccine should be store at 2 to 8 C temperature.
The dose route of Pentavalent injection is right thigh.