- General Shamim Wayne
- General Nadeem Raza
- General Tariq Majeed
- General Sahir Shamshad Mirza
- d
He is 18th Chairman of the Joint Cheifs of Staff Committee. He is serving as Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff Committee since 27th November 2022.
All Solved Past Papers of All Posts, All Departments and All Testing Services are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All Solved MCQs of Current Year 2024 are included with detailed answers.
Current Finance Minister of Pakistan is:
- Umar Ayub
- Muhammad Aurangzeb
- Muftah Ismail
- None of these
- b
Muhammad Aurangzeb is serving as Finance Minister of Pakistan since 11th March 2024. He is not a Politician. He is selected as Technocrat to serve Finance Minister. He is a Banker by profession. He has served as President and CEO of Habib Bank Limited (HBL). He has also served in International Banks such as City Bank and JP Morgan Bank. Honorable Justice Khalil Ul Rehman Ramday is Uncle of Muhammad Aurangzeb.
Name of the USA current elected President:
- George Bush
- Joe Biden
- Donald Trump
- None of these
- b
Joe Biden is serving as President of America since 21st January 2021. He is 46th President of America. He belongs to Democratic Political Party. The tenure of the President of USA is 4 years.
Who is the current Minister of ANF?
- Murad Saeed
- Syed Mohsin Raza Naqvi
- Brig. Ejaz Shah
- None of these
- b
Prime Minister Boris Johnson belong to Britain’s Political Party is:
- Communist Party
- Conservative Party
- People Party
- People Party
- b
پنجاب پولیس کے موجودہ آئی جی کون ہیں؟
- راؤ سردار علی خان
- ڈاکٹر عثمان انور
- ثناء اللہ عباسی
- ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
- b
ڈاکٹر عثمان انور 24 جنوری 2023 سے بطور انسپکٹر جنرل پنجاب پولیس خدمات سر انجا م دے رہے ہیں۔آپ پنجاب پولیس کے 59ویں انسپکٹر جنرل ہیں۔محکمہ پولیس پنجاب کو 1861 میں برطانوی سرکار نے قائم کیا۔
پوری دنیا میں اس وقت کتنے ایٹمی ممالک موجود ہیں؟
- 7
- 9
- 11
- 13
- b
ان 9 ممالک میں امریکا، برطانیہ، روس، چین، انڈیا، پاکستان، اسرائیل اور شمالی کوریا شامل ہیں۔
پاکستان کے موجودہ وزیر دفاع کون ہیں ؟
- شاہ محمود قریشی
- شیخ رشید احمد
- خواجہ محمد آصف
- ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
- d
خواجہ محمد آصف مورخہ11 مارچ 2024 سے بطور وزیر دفاع خدمات سر انجام دے رہے ہیں۔آپ کا تعلق پاکستان مسلم لیگ (ن) سے ہے۔
How many seats in Provincial Assembly of Punjab?
- 200
- 241
- 300
- 371
- d
There are total 371 seats in Punjab Assembly which are divided as 297 seats are General seats, 66 seats for Women and 8 seats for Minorities.
How many seats in Senate?
- 100
- 104
- 96
- 112
- c
There are reserved 23 seats for Punjab, 23 for Sindh, 23 for KPK, 23 for Balochistan and 04 for Federal Territory.
General Seats 58
Technocrats 17
Women 17
Non-Muslims 04