- One way direction
- On the way
- Long distance
- None of these
- b
In Transit, During the journey, During transport, On the move and Coming are also similar words of En-route.
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What is similar word of “Climb”?
- Ascend
- Embrace
- Adhere
- None of these
- a
Climb چڑھنا
Ascend چڑھنا
Scramble Up, Clamber Up, Shin Up, Go Up, Crawl and Walk Up are also similar words of Climb.
What is similar word of “Adhere”?
- Criticize
- Stick
- Give Up
- None of these
- b
Adhere لگاؤ
Stick چپکنا
Stick Fast, Cling, Hold Fast, Cohere and Bond are also similar words of Adhere.
What is similar word of “Advice”?
- Guidance
- Forbid
- Revenge
- None of these
- a
Advice مشورہ
Guidance رہنمائی
Counseling, Direction, Instruction, Information and Suggestion are also similar words of Advice.
The Shandur Pass connects Chitral with___
- Malam Jabba
- Swat
- Gilgit
- None of these
- c
Shandur Pass connects Chitral with Gupis tehsil of Gilgit.
The height of Shandur Pass is 3720 meters from sea level.
Shandur Pass is also known as “The Roof of the World”.
Who was the first person in space?
- Neil Armstrong
- Yuri Gagarin
- Michael Collins
- None of these
- b
Yuri Gagarin travelled in the space on 12th April 1961.
His flight duration was 108 minutes.
He belonged to Russia.
He died due to crash of MIG-15 Jet during routine practice.
Jakarta is the capital of ____
- Malaysia
- Singapore
- Indonesia
- None of these
- c
The currency of Indonesia is Rupiah.
The most populous island of Indonesia is Java.
The independence day of Indonesia is 17th August.
Indonesia is most populated Muslim country in the world.
What is capital of Canada?
- Glasgow
- Canberra
- Montreal
- Ottawa
- d
Canada is a country located in Continent North America.
The capital of Canada is Ottawa.
The Ottawa was chosen as capital of Canada in 1857.
The currency of Canada is Canadian Dollar.
There are two official languages in Canada which are English and French.
What is currency of Ireland?
- Pound
- Euro
- Frac
- None of these
- b
Ireland is an island country located in Europe Continent.
The capital of Ireland is Dublin.
The symbol of Ireland is Shamrock.
Titanic was built in “Belfast” city of Ireland.
There are three colours on the flag of Ireland which are Geen, White and Orange.
What is currency of Turkey?
- Turkish Riyal
- Turkish Dinar
- Turkish Lira
- None of these
- c
Turkey is a country located in Continent Asia and Europe.
The capital of Turkey is Ankara.
The dialing code of Turkey is +90.