- Jamarat
- Mina
- Sayee
- Ramee
- a
The Jamarat are three pollars that Muslims through stones at as a part of Hajj.
All Solved Current and Past Papers of 2025 are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All MCQs of Year 2025 are solved with short detailed answers. ETEST Academy updates this portion of Past Papers 2025 on daily basis.
There are ____ Wajib during hajj.
- 3
- 6
- 9
- 12
- b
Tawaf E Widah
Hajj is mostly mentioned in which Surah of Holy Quran?
- Surah Yaseen
- Surah Al-Baqarah
- Surah Hajj
- None of these
- c
Surah Hajj is 22nd Surah of Quran.
It consist of 78 Verses.
It is Madni Surah.
What was the name of Hill on which Holy Prophet (PBUH) delivered his farewell sermon?
- Jabal E Noor
- Jabal E Rehmat
- Jabal E Uhad
- None of these
- b
Jabal E Rehmat means “Mountain of Mercy”.
Jabal E Rehmat is also known as “Mount Arafat”.
Its located in Urana Valley of Mecca.
What was the name of Camel on which Holy Prophet (PBUH) delivered his farewell sermon?
- Kaswa
- Adbaa
- Naqah
- Jadaa
- a
This last sermon is known as “Khutba Hajja Tul Wida”.
Khutba Hajja Tul Wida was delivered on 6th March 632 AD (Friday) or 9th Zulhajj 10 AH.
Fist and inner most circle around Kaaba is called:
- Mowaqeet
- Makkah Muqarmah
- Masjid E Haram
- None of these
- c
First inner circle of Kaaba is called Masjid E Haram.
Second inner circle of Kaaba is called Makkah Muqarma.
Third inner circle of Kaaba is called Haram.
Fourth inner circle of Kaaba is called Mowaqeet.
Chill : Cold :: ____ : _____
- Freeze : White
- Crust : Soft
- Parch : Dry
- None of these
- c
Chill is associated with Cold and Parch is associated with Dry.
Theology : Religion :: _____ : _____
- Astronomy : Stars
- Politics : Ethics
- Sociology : Individual
- None of these
- a
Theology is the study of Religion and Astronomy is the study of Stars.
Plausible : Explanation :: _____ : _____
- Gullible : Deception
- Watertight : Ability
- Attractive : Proposal
- Defensible : Theory
- d
Both analogies describe qualities that support their context.
Altimeter : Height :: _____ : _____
- Observatory : Velocity
- Speedometer : Velocity
- Racetrack : Furlong
- None of these
- b
Altimeter is used to measure Height or Altitude and Speedometer used to measure Velocity.