- Left Explosive Limit
- Lower Explosive Limit
- Last Explosive Limit
- None of these
- b
OSHA stands for:
- Occupational Safety Health Administration
- Occupational Status and Health Administration
- Occupational Safety Hazard Administration
- None of these
- a
OSHA define the quantity of Chemical in the air.
What is range of a Monitor?
- 70 m
- 80 m
- 90 m
- 100 m
- a
A Fire Monitor has range of 70 meters at 10 bar pressure.
It can discharge 4500 lpm.
NFPA stands for:
- National Fire and Protocol Association
- National Fire Protection Association
- North Fire Protection Association
- National Fire and Protection Agency
- b
NFPA was founded on 6th November 1896.
BSS stands for:
- Both Standard Square Thread
- Basic Standard Square Thread
- British Standard Square Thread
- None of these
- c
GVW stands for:
- Great Volume Weight
- Gross Volume Weight
- General Volume Weight
- None of these
- b
ODP stands for:
- Ozone Depletion
- Over Dual Pressure
- Ozone Destruction Point
- None of these
- a
MCP stands for:
- Manual Call Point
- Mutual Call Point
- Main Call Point
- Mean Call Point
- a
TLV stands for:
- Temporary Hold Limit Valve
- Total Hold Limit Valve
- Tresh Hold Limit Valve
- None of these
- c
HRR stands for:
- Hose Reel Ratio
- Heat Release Rate
- Both A & B
- None of these
- b