- Landscape
- Page Setup
- Portrait
- None of these
- c
C++ is a ………
- Program
- Language
- Software
- Bug
- b
C++ is also called Coding.
How will you open new document in MS Office?
- Ctrl + N
- Ctrl + O
- Ctrl + F
- Ctrl + V
- a
Ctrl + O shortcut key is used to open a save file.
Ctrl + F is used to find/search a word or document.
What is shortcut key to rename a selected File / Folder?
- F2
- F3
- F4
- F5
- a
Which shortcut key is used to close window?
- Alt + F5
- Alt + F6
- Alt + F4
- Ctrl + F4
- C
What is shortcut key to save document ?
- Ctrl + A
- Ctrl +V
- Ctrl + S
- None of these
- C
The shortcut key to Save As is F12.
What is shortcut key is used for “Select All” ?
- F7
- Ctrl + A
- F3
- F4
- B
F7 is used for Grammar Check.
F3 is used to search in Computer Folders.
F4 is used to display the address bar list in Computer.
What is shortcut key for Copy?
- Ctrl + C
- Ctrl + B
- Ctrl + X
- Ctrl + V
- a
Ctrl + V shortcut key is used for Paste.
Ctrl + X shortcut key is used for Cut.
Ctrl + B shortcut key is used to Bold text or words.
WWW stands for:
- Work Wide Web
- World Wide Web
- World With Web
- None of these
- b
World Wide Web was invented in 1989 by Tim Berners Lee and Robert Cailliua.
What is popular way to learn about computers without going to classroom?
- Tuition Learning
- Home Learning
- E-Learning
- Regular Learning
- C
The learning by computers using internet about any topic is called E-Learning.