- To advance, to make progress
- Occupy Open land illegally
- Purchase a playground
- Buy a property
- a
پہلے سے زیادہ اہمیت حاصل کر لینا یا پہلے سے زیادہ مشہور ہو جانا۔
To cry Wolf:
- Wolf’s noise during night
- To raise false alarm
- Male wolf looking for mate
- To make a wolf sound
- b
کسی خطرے کے بارے میں شور مچانا جس کا کوئی نام و نشان بھی نہ ہو۔
To Cut Short:
- Short Size Dress
- Take Short Cut
- Short Size Dress
- To abridge, minimize
- d
کسی کام کا یا بات کا اچانک ختم ہو جانا
Not Cricket:
- Foolish, Idiot
- Unfair, Illogical
- Some other insect
- Against Cricket Uniform
- b
This idiom is used to say that “it is unfair or dishonest or Illogical”
Portrait and Landscape are called for:
- Page Layout
- Page Orientation
- Page Size
- All of the above
- b
There is difference between Page Orientation, Page Size and Page Layout.
In Microsoft Word Ctrl + 1 is used for which of the following?
- To set double line spacing
- To set 0.5 line spacing
- To set single line spacing
- To set 1.5 line spacing
- c
This shortcut key is also used to highlight the single line spacing.
The network in which we connect each node to the network along a single piece of network cable is called:
- Star Network Topoly
- Bus Network Topology
- Ring Network Topology
- None of these
- b
There are four main Networking types.
Bus Network Topology is also known as Backbone Network Topology.
Web Pages are interlined by using:
- Hyperlinks
- Marquee
- Slider
- a
FTP is an abbreviation for:
- File Transfer Possibility
- File Transfer Protocol
- File Transfer Position
- File Transfer Protection
- b
FTP was written by Abhay Bhushan first time and published in 1971.
When did Pakistan became a member of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)?
- July 8, 2018
- June 9, 2017
- August 8, 2016
- None of these
- b
SCO was founded on 15th June 2001.
There are 9 member countries of SCO.