- Polygamy
- Autogamy
- Bigamy
- None of these
- b
There are two types of pollination, which are:
Airport Security Force (ASF)
Airport Security Force (ASF) Current & Past Papers Solved MCQs have uploaded in this section of ETEST Website.All posts of Airport Security Force (ASF) papers i.e Carporal, Assitant Sub Inspector (ASI), Nursing Assistant, Naib Qasid and etc are included in this portion of ETEST Academy’s Website.
Out flow of river Nile is in:
- Indian Sea
- Atlantic Sea
- Arabian Sea
- Mediterranean Sea
- d
River Nile flows from Egypt, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya and fell into Mediterranean Sea.
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan founded Aligargh School in the year………
- 1878
- 1875
- 1874
- 1870
- b
The name of this school was Anglo Oriental School at Aligarh.
Khewra is famous for:
- Iron
- Gypsum
- Sulpher
- Salt
- d
Khewra is famous for Salt.
Khewra is basically a town in Tehsil Pind Dadan Khan, District Jhelum, Punjab.
Khewra Salt Mine is second largest Salt Mine of the world.
Pakistan lies between the latitude of ……….
- 23-32 (N)
- 21-31 (N)
- 24-36 (N)
- 23-37 (N)
- d
Pakistan lies between 23 degree to 37 degree.
Pakistan lies between 23 degree 5 minutes North and 60 degree 50 minuets to 77 degree 50 minutes to east longitude.
Minimum age limit of a person to contest for election of MNA in Pakistan is ……..years.
- 35
- 30
- 28
- 25
- d
All information about member of parliament of Pakistan is discussed in Article 62 of Constitution of Pakistan 1973.
Viceroy Lord Curzon partitioned the province of Bengal in…….parts.
- 01
- 02
- 03
- 04
- b
Partition of Bengal was occurred on 19th July 1905 and implemented on 16th October 1905
Saindak Project is operated with the collaboration of:
- China
- India
- Japan
- a
Saindak Project is also known as Saindak Copper Gold Project.
This agreement was signed between China and Pakistan.
Saindak Project was started in 1995.
Saindak is a Town name in District Chaghi, Balochistan.
Indus Water Treaty between Pakistan and India was brokered by:
- UK
- World Bank
- d
This treaty was signed on 19th September 1960.
This agreement is also called Indus Basin Water Treaty.
Tashkent Pact was signed in:
- 1967
- 1968
- 1966
- None of these
- c
Tashkent Pact was signed on 10th January 1966.
It was peace agreement between Pakistan and India to resolved the Indo-Pak War 1965.