Balochistan Police Department General Knowledge MCQs KPK Police Department Police Department Punjab Police Department Sindh Police Department Wireless Operator

Which country shares maximum borders with other states?

  • Russia
  • China
  • Congo
  • Brazil
  • b
  • China shares border with 16 countries.
    Russia shares border with 14 countries.
    Brazil shares border with 10 countries.
    Congo shares border with 9 countries.

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Balochistan Police Department General Knowledge MCQs KPK Police Department Police Department Punjab Police Department Sindh Police Department Wireless Operator

Largest country of the world by area is:

  • Australia
  • Russia
  • Vatican City
  • China
  • b
  • The area of Russia is 17.13 Million Km2.
    Russia is 11% of world landmass.
    The smallest country in the world by area is Vatican City.
    The area of Vatican City is 0.44 Km2.

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Balochistan Police Department Islamic Study MCQs KPK Police Department Police Department Punjab Police Department Sindh Police Department Wireless Operator

Laws about Zina revealed in which Hijri?

  • 2nd AH
  • 3rd AH
  • 4th AH
  • 5th AH
  • d
  • Laws about Orphanage revealed in 3rd AH.
    Laws about Inheritance revealed in 3rd AH.
    Laws about Hijab for Women revealed in 4th AH.
    Laws about Ablution revealed in 5th AH.

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