- 1979
- 1980
- 1982
- 1985
- A
Karakaram Highway is also called KKH.
Karokram Highway is also known as Friendship Highway in China.
Length of Karakoram Highway is 1300 Km.
All Departments Solved Papers
All Department’s Current & Past Solved Papers are included in this section of ETEST Academy’s Website. All MCQs of All Departments are included in this section with complete detail. Our team updates this website on daily basis.
International Day against “Corporal Punishment of Children” is:
- 28th March
- 30th April
- 30th April
- None of these
- c
BCC stands for:
- Basic Carbon Copy
- Blind Carbon Copy
- Before Carbon Copy
- Both Carbon Copy
- b
Surena Robot is manufactured by:
- Iran
- Egypt
- Pakistan
- India
- a
Surena Robot was manufactured by University Of Tehran, Iran.
Where is located Whitehaven Beach?
- Bhutan
- Australia
- Canada
- Egypt
- b
Its 7 km long island in Australia.
This island / beach was discovered by EP Bedwell in 1879.
Proton was discovered by:
- Ernest Rutherford
- Rutherford
- Richard Otamin
- None of these
- a
Proton was discovered by Ernest Rutherford in 1919.
How many bones in a human body?
- 206
- 208
- 210
- 212
- a
There are 300 bones in a new born baby.
What is synonym of Insane?
- Happy
- Mad
- Worried
- None of these
- b
Mad پاگل
Insane پاگل
Ctrl + N shortcut key is used for:
- Close Window
- Create New Document
- New Folder
- None of these
- b
You can create new document from file menu or New Document icon also.
What was relation of Umar (R.A) with Holy Prophet (PBUH)?
- Father in Law
- Uncle
- Cousine
- None of these
- a
Holy Prophet (PBUH) married with Hafsa (R.A) daughter of Umar (R.A).