- Necessity is the mother of invention
- Necessary is the mother of invention.
- The mother of necessity is invention.
- None of these
- a
ضرورت ایجاد کی ماں ہے۔
Police Department
All Police Department Solved Current & Past Papers are included in this section of ETEST Website. All Police Department MCQs are solved with detailed answers.
Use following words in your own sentences: “Situation”
- The situation is very complicated to deal.
- The situation was very different to deal.
- The situation was very difficult to deal.
- None of these
- c
حالات سے نمٹنا بہت مشکل تھا۔
Use following words in your own sentences: “Game”
- The national game of Pakistan is Hockey.
- Tha natioal game of Pakistan is Football.
- The national game of Pakistan is Basketball.
- None of these
- a
پاکستان کا قومی کھیل ہاکی ہے۔
Use following words in your own sentences: “Mountain”
- K-2 is highest Mountain in Pakistan
- K-2 are highest Mountain in Pakistan.
- K-2 is high mountain of India.
- None of these
- a
کے ٹو پاکستان کا بلند ترین پہاڑ ہے۔
Use following words in your own sentences: “Dangerous”
- It is very beautiful place
- It is very difficult place.
- It is very dangerous place.
- None of these
- c
یہ بہت خطرناک جگہ ہے۔
De-Abbreviate the following word: “CIA”
- Central Intelligence Agency
- Center Intelligent Agency
- Common Intelligence Agency
- Controlled Intelligence Agency
- a
De-Abbreviate the following word: “LED”
- Last Emergency Diode
- Light Emitting Diode
- Last Exit Door
- Low Energy Diode
- b
LED was invented by Nick Holonky Jr. in 1962.
De-Abbreviate the following word: “CNG”
- Controlled Natural Gas
- Common Natural Gas
- Compressed Natural Gas
- None of these
- c
The chemical formula of CNG is CH4.
CNG first times used in first World War for as transportation fuel.
De-Abbreviate the following word: “OIC”
- Organ of Islamic Cooperation
- Out of Islamic Cooperation
- Organization of Islamic Cooperation
- All of the above
- c
OIC was founded on 25th September 1969.
Its headquarter is located in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
It consist of 57 Muslim States.
De-Abbreviate the following word: “EU”
- European Union
- Euro Union
- Egypt Union
- None of these
- a
EU was founded on 1st November 1993.
Its headquarter is located in Brussels, Belgium.
It consist of 27 member countries.