- On
- Of
- With
- From
- a
ہم آپ کی کامیابی پر مبارکباد پیش کرتے ہیں۔
Punjab Police Department
All Solved Punjab Police Current & Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Academy’s Website. All MCQs of Punjab Police are Solved with detailed answers. ETEST Academy updates this website on daily basis.
I did not……school yesterday.
- Go
- Went
- Gone
- None of these
- a
میں کل اسکول نہیں گیا تھا۔
My brother was trembling …..cold.
- on
- in
- of
- from
- d
میرا بھائی سردی سے کانپ رہا تھا
What is name of Japan’s Currency?
- Euro
- Yen
- Dollar
- Rupia
- b
The currency of Malaysia is Ringgit.
The currency of Canada is Dollar.
What is Shortcut Key for Save As?
- F12
- F11
- F10
- F09
- a
Save Ctrl + S
Select All Ctrl + A
Bold Ctrl + B
Italic Ctrl + I
What is Shortcut Key for Copy?
- Ctrl +A
- Ctrl +C
- Ctrl +D
- Ctrl +V
- b
Paste Ctrl + V
Cut Ctrl +X
Undo Ctrl +Z
Redo Ctrl +Y
COVID stands for:
- Common Virus Disease
- Covid Virus Disease
- Corona Virus Disease
- None of these
- c
Corona was started in December 2019.
First Case of COVID was started in China.
First Corona Virus Patient was died in the world on 11th January 2020.
First Patient of Corona was died in Pakistan on 18th March 2020.
CPEC stands for:
- China Pakistan Economic Corridor
- China Pakistan Economic Council
- Coordination of Pakistan Economic Council
- None of these
- a
CPEC is also called OBOR (One Belt One Road)
Current estimated cost of CPEC is 62 Billion USD.
BIOS stands for:
- Basic Input System
- Bios Input Output System
- Basic Input Output System
- None of these
- c
The term first time used by Garry Kidall in 1975.
Which Planet is called Bodyguard of Earth?
- Neptune
- Marsh
- Jupiter
- Uranus
- c