- Solid
- Rigid
- Immoble
- Stidous
- b
Hard سخت
Rigid سخت
Punjab Police Department
All Solved Punjab Police Current & Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Academy’s Website. All MCQs of Punjab Police are Solved with detailed answers. ETEST Academy updates this website on daily basis.
Pakistan joined IMF in:
- 1935
- 1940
- 1945
- 1950
- d
UN 1947
ILO 1947
World Bank 1950
SAARC 1985
SCO 2017
What was severity of 2005 earthquake in Pakistan on Richter Scale was:
- 7.6
- 6.9
- 7.1
- 5.8
- a
The earthquake of Pakistan occurred on 8th October 2005 at 08:50 AM.
Change the Active Voice to Passive Voice. “She Finished Work”.
- Work was finished by she.
- Work will finished by her.
- Work was finished by her.
- None of these
- d
کام اس کے ذریعہ ختم ہوا تھا۔
Change the Active Voice to Passive Voice. “My Uncle will pay my tuition fee”.
- My tuition fee is paid by my uncle
- My tuition fee will pay by my uncle.
- My tuition fee will be paid by my uncle.
- None of these
- c
میری ٹیوشن فیس میرے ماموں ادا کریں گے۔
Which Surah of Quran consist of name of Allah in each verse?
- Surah Mujadila
- Surah Ikhlas
- Surah Yaseen
- Surah Mulk
- a
Surah Mujadila has 3 Raku and 22 Aayat.
Surah Mujadila is the 58th Surah of Quran.
The Faiz Mehal is located in:
- Sukkur
- Agra
- Lahore
- Khairpur
- d
Faiz Mehal was built by Mir Sohrab Khan in 1798.
The Federal Shariat Court was established in the year:
- 1879
- 1980
- 1985
- 1990
- b
The tenure of Federal Shariat Court Judge is 3 Years.
Current Chief Justice of Federal Shariat Court is Muhammad Noor Miskanzai.
Urdu Hindi Controversy started in:
- 1867
- 1869
- 1871
- 1876
- a
Urdu was Official language in 1867.
Some Hindu’s started campaign to change the official language from Urdu to Hindi.
What is 80% of 250 ?
- 200
- 210
- 220
- 250
- a