- Out of Islamic Countries
- Organ of Islamic Countries
- Organization of Inter Countries
- Organization of Islamic Cooperation
- d
OIC was founded on 25 September 1969.
The Headquarter of OIC is located in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
There are total 57 Member States.
The official languages of OIC are Arabic, English and French.
Punjab Police Department
All Solved Punjab Police Current & Past Papers are included in this portion of ETEST Academy’s Website. All MCQs of Punjab Police are Solved with detailed answers. ETEST Academy updates this website on daily basis.
Dar Es Salaam was capital of:
- Albania
- Nepal
- Tanzania
- None of these
- c
Tanzania is a country of East Africa.
Its National Symbol is Giraffe.
Roza became Faraz in which Hijri?
- 01
- 02
- 03
- 04
- b
Roza and Zakat became obligation in 2 Hijri.
What is the smallest from the given numbers?
- -1
- +1
- -3
- d
Ibrahim (A.S) remained in Fire for….days.
- 7
- 11
- 21
- 40
- d
Yousaf (A.S) remained in Well for three days.
Yousaf (A.S) remained in Jail for 12 Years.
Noah (A.S)’s nation worshiped the …..idols.
- 5
- 7
- 9
- 11
- a
Surah Noah of Quran discussed about these idols in Aayat no 22-23.
The names of the idols were Kalb, Suwa, Nasr, Hudail and Yaghuth.
A Work is done by 4 People in 10 days, How many people can do it in 5 days?
- 8
- 7
- 10
- 9
- a
How many Surah names start with Prophet’s names?
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- a
Surah Muhammad
Surah Younas
Surah Yousaf
Surah Hood
Surah Ibrahim
Surah Noah
Nimaz Commanded in Quran for ……times.
- 300
- 400
- 550
- 700
- d
The first question at the time of Judgment will be about Nimaz.
The State Bank of Pakistan established on:
- 1st July 1947
- 14th August 1947
- 1st July 1948
- 1st July 1950
- C
Quaid E Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah inaugurated the State Bank of Pakistan n 1st July 1948.